Pročitajte sjajnu božićnu poruku autorice Harryja Pottera, prenosi
Ako su i vas deprimirale fotografije savršenih, nasmiješenih obgtelji, raskošnih stolova punih hrane i skupih darova, slavna spisateljica J.K. Rowling ima poruku za vas.
Autorica ‘Harryja Pottera’ na Twitteru je objavila niz postova o svojim vlastitim bitkama koje vodi tijekom blagdana te poručila da nikad ne gubimo nadu.
Ona podsjeća svoje obožavatelje da način na koji su proveli Božić ima malo veze s realnošću i da to zapravo ne govori ništa o njihovom pravom životu i postignućima.
I’ve had so many lovely messages wishing me a merry Christmas. Thank you! 1/12
I’ve had so many lovely messages wishing me a merry Christmas. Thank you! 1/12
I’ve also heard from people who are going through very tough times. These always seem worse at Christmas. 2/12
I’ve also heard from people who are going through very tough times. These always seem worse at Christmas. 2/12
At this time of year, we’re bombarded with images of perfect lives, which bear as little relation to reality as tinsel does to gold. 3/12
At this time of year, we’re bombarded with images of perfect lives, which bear as little relation to reality as tinsel does to gold. 3/12
If you’re lucky enough to be with the people you love, warm and safe, with enough to eat, I’m sure you feel as blessed as I do. 4/12
If you’re lucky enough to be with the people you love, warm and safe, with enough to eat, I’m sure you feel as blessed as I do. 4/12
But if your life is currently full of difficulties; if you aren’t where you want to be, either literally or figuratively, 5/12
But if your life is currently full of difficulties; if you aren’t where you want to be, either literally or figuratively, 5/12
remember that extraordinary transformations are possible. Everything changes. Nothing is forever. 6/12
remember that extraordinary transformations are possible. Everything changes. Nothing is forever. 6/12
Thinking back to my worst Christmas, I found it hard to believe that my unhappiness would pass. I was truly afraid of the future. 7/12
Thinking back to my worst Christmas, I found it hard to believe that my unhappiness would pass. I was truly afraid of the future. 7/12
You never know what the future holds. Astonishing reversals of fortune happen every minute. 8/12
You never know what the future holds. Astonishing reversals of fortune happen every minute. 8/12
So if you’re sad, or lonely, or bereaved, or ill, separated from your loved ones or in any other way suffering this Christmas, 9/12
So if you’re sad, or lonely, or bereaved, or ill, separated from your loved ones or in any other way suffering this Christmas, 9/12
I send you love and wish you luck and better times. Millions of us have been where you are now. 10/12
I send you love and wish you luck and better times. Millions of us have been where you are now. 10/12
Remember, Christmas Day is, in the end, just a day. It isn’t a test or a scorecard of you or your life, so be kind to yourself 11/12
Remember, Christmas Day is, in the end, just a day. It isn’t a test or a scorecard of you or your life, so be kind to yourself 11/12